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Driving down some old abandoned road
That's full of wrong turns and crooked fenceposts
I'm looking for a sign, a sign that says hope
Somebody, somebody throw my a rope

Cause my body's aching and my car is a wreck
The kids are screaming and the house is a mess
And I just spent the last of my last paycheck
On a scratch-and-win and a pack of cigarettes

What if we were wrong
What if this is all the lottery that we get?
What if there's no big check?
Maybe we wanted more
But even Jesus was poor

Stopped by the casino on the way back home
It's like a shrine of hope for the unfortunate ones
Two dollar, five dollar, ten dollar bet
Well you ain't been lucky but you might be yet

Cause somewhere behind all the lights and the wheels
You secretly hope that you might cut a deal
All your bad karma will fall off your back
You'll be just like Elvis's mom in her cadillac

What if we were wrong
What if this is all the lottery that we get?
What if there's no big check?
Maybe we wanted more
But even Jesus was poor

You're living in the dark in a trailer somewhere
And you got no power but you don't even care
They're shutting off the gas at the end of the week
And you're still holding out for the lottery

What if we were wrong
What if this is all the lottery that we get?
What if there's no big check?
Maybe we wanted more
But even Jesus was poor